Friday, July 7, 2023

Leaving home

Today we are leaving for Idaho Falls. Dewane's family grew up in Blackfoot, Idaho, and hold their yearly reunions at Marvalee's house. We will meet up with Dewane's daughter Aimee and her husband Tony McClellan in Idaho Falls with the rest of the Rooks family, and the McClellans will drive us to Smithfield outside of Logan, Utah, where the rest of our luggage is waiting for us. (It wouldn't all fit in our car.) 

The North and South Islands of New Zealand. Hamilton is on the North Island, south of Auckland.

Last night we were set apart, or given a blessing by our stake president, President Eric Dahle, to be authorized senior missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He read to us from Doctrine & Covenants 31:3, "Lift up your heart and rejoice, for the hour of your mission is come; and your tongue shall be loosed, and you shall declare glad tidings of great joy unto this generation."

When we get to the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo on Monday, they will give us badges and we will officially be missionaries for one year.

The area of New Zealand's north island covered by the Hamilton mission. Auckland is north of Hamilton and Wellington to the south
We will be serving in the New Zealand, Hamilton, mission as MLS - Member and Leader Support missionaries, to serve in whatever ward and stake the mission president, Jeffrey Nikoia, asks us to. The Hamilton area, we are told, is more "English" (from the European settlers in the 1800s) and more rural, with a less busy lifestyle and more sheep. Since we are country people, and since Dewane went on a mission to England as a young elder, we should fit right in. 

July 4th
Here we are enjoying the fireworks at my daughter Vanessa's house on July 4th

Me with 17 of my grandchildren at the recent Kennington family reunion in Cedar City, Utah

My granddaughter Amber will be living in our house for the year, so I have been saying goodbye to my flowers and trees and writing down instructions so Amber can keep everything alive while we are gone.

The front yard

The back yard in the evening

The patio and pergola
I am told New Zealand has spectacular botanical gardens, and with all the rain it gets (40" a year in the area we will be living in) the plants are thriving and happy. So maybe I will find new gardens to love.

Our friend Jason Gaskill, who lived in New Zealand for over 20 years, 
tells us that when in New Zealand, you must drink Ginger Beer.
He brought us some to try. I love it, Dewane doesn't yet.

The two of us on an earlier trip to Hawaii. 
We love the islands, and are looking forward to getting to know the wonderful people of Hamilton, New Zealand!


 Matariki is the Māori New Year celebrating the appearance of the Pleiades star cluster, which is visible in the early morning sky, near the...